Get Involved
Like all wildlife rehabilitators, Palouse Wildlife does not receive any state or federal funding—we are purely a result of the volunteered love, time, and gifts given by our kind-hearted community! If you would like to help, there are a number of ways to get involved!

Wildlife Awareness
More than 50% of Idaho is national forest, which means there are a lot of creatures that call this state home. Just keeping a watchful eye—as you drive, bike, hike, and explore—will go a long way toward protecting these beautiful residents.
Be an Advocate
If you find an injured or orphaned animal, remember that you are its best advocate—ask yourself what would truly be best for this animal's welfare. Many baby animals (especially birds, bunnies, and fawns) are unintentionally "kidnapped" by well-meaning people who happen to have found the baby while the parent was temporarily away.
Fledgling birds have jumped the nest in preparation for flight, and the parents will be feeding them for the next 4-10 days until they learn to fly and find food for themselves. You may not see the parents while they are away looking for more food. This is normal.
Bunnies typically only nurse twice a day (dawn and dusk). For the whole day, the mother rabbit will be away from the nest and her babies. This is normal.
Fawns are left alone by the doe for long periods of time to keep them unseen by predators. This is normal. Unless you see an injury or know the mother to be dead, leave the fawn where it is.
However, an injured, truly orphaned, or otherwise distressed animal needs your assistance! The best thing you can do is place the animal in a warm, secure place with dim lighting, then immediately call Palouse Wildlife at 208-614-CARE. For more information, click on our "I Need Help!" tab at the top of the page.
Donate Funding
We always have our fingers in a number of different pots, looking to improve our ability to serve the community, protect wildlife, and educate the public. If you would like to donate to support our efforts, please feel free to submit your donation below. Thank you so much for your love and support!